Friday, March 20, 2015

Some things have gotten better and others have gotten worse and I don't know whether or not to be okay with this or if "progress" can be characterized, at least conceptually, in ways that aren't advancements but rather alterations.

That didn't make any sense but neither does anything else.

"Maybe we feel empty because we leave pieces of ourselves in everything we used to love."

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Saturday, December 20, 2014

It has been a long 2 months since I last logged on. My first quarter of graduate school has been tremendously difficult, but I am surviving. I am alive. And there's not much more to ask for. 

I am learning how to be content with myself. I am finally beginning to understand how to embrace the lull of my own thoughts, and to be independent (emotionally and physically). I'm much better at keeping things to myself, for myself. I know it's a cliche. But it's nice.